Commissions Terms of Service

The following Terms of Service apply to any commission of any kind to The Cornoide Team:

Unallowed and allowed stuff

Requests that fall into any of these categories are ultimately forbidden and will not be worked by any means:

  • NSFW
  • Heavy gore or violence
  • Political propaganda, political satire or politicians
  • Hate speech, regardless of who is the hate directed to

Requests that fall into any of the following categories have a chance to be worked on, but you’ll need to contact us first to know if we’ll work your request:

  • Depictions of any religion
  • Mechas
  • People in underwear, specially with a provocative pose
  • Moderate gore or violence

Requests that fall into any of the following categories are fine and will be worked on without any issue:

  • SFW
  • Furry Artwork
  • Slight gore or violence

In doubt, contact us!

Payment dynamics

The currently accepted methods of payment are:

Paypal (through Goods and Services)


A payment in Bitcoin implies an additional 10% of discount to any commission work, regardless of the type of commission and base price.

Work dynamics

For commissions of 10 USD or less:

  1. We receive a full payment upfront
  2. We keep you updated on your commission until the time we finish it
  3. You get sent the finished commission on completion

For commissions of more than 10 USD:

  1. We receive half the payment upfront
  2. We keep you updated on your commission until half-way through it
  3. You get sent the finished commission once the other half of the payment is done

“Updating” in this context means that you’ll get sent peaks of the current progress of your commission.


A single digital 2D artwork takes between 1 to 7 days until completion, this depends on:

  • Complexity of the drawing
  • Current demand
  • Availability of the artist

As of now, the current average is 4 days until completion, but don’t take this number as a definitive guarantee!

Rights of the buyer

  1. To request up to 3 medium revisions during the updating period of time
  2. To request up to 3 minor revisions after the commission is finished and sent
  3. To request current progress on the buyer’s commission
  4. To use license the commission work as the buyer wishes without any extra payment

What constitutes “medium” or “minor” is ultimately the decision of the artist(s), but a rough approximation of these can be the following:

Medium revisions

  1. Complete change of pose
  2. Complete change of background
  3. Major style change

Minor revisions

  1. Small pose changes, examples: Moving an hand, moving a foot, change of facial expression, change of clothing color
  2. Small background changes, examples: Adding or removing a few objects, recoloring objects